2018年2月19日 星期一

Pictures by HDR Technique

When the clouds were pretty, I usually took three bracketed pictures (ev: +2, 0, -2) to cover all the ranges of the exposure.  Of course, you can use +1, 0, -1 as well.

Since my Lightroom 5 software does not have the feature to do HDR pictures, therefore, I imported these three pictures to ipad and then use a "HDR Pro" app ($2) to make a HDR picture.  Look at the details of the clouds.

This picture will be further edited by a "FilterStorm" app ($5).  Here is the finished picture.

Note:  There is a good article talking about HDR technique in details.  It is a bit long, but it's worth your time.    https://photographylife.com/landscapes/hdr-photography-tutorial